Your Trusted Sulfur Provider
Burning Sulfur
Burning sulfur can be utilized to decontaminate soil or water polluted with heavy metals or other toxic substances. Sulfur compounds can react with these pollutants, rendering them less harmful or immobilizing them for easier removal.
Order burning sulfur per bag or in bulk.
Flake Sulfur
Flake sulfur can be applied to alkaline soils to lower pH levels, making the soil more suitable for acid-loving plants such as blueberries, azaleas, and rhododendrons.
Order flake sulfur per bag or in bulk.
Soil Sulfur
Soil sulfur can help adjust soil pH levels, especially in alkaline soils. By promoting acidity, sulfur enhances the availability of other essential nutrients like phosphorus, iron, and zinc, which may be limited in high-pH soils.
Order soil sulfur per bag or in bulk.

Leading Sulfur Provider
We provide sulfur for a multitude of essential applications, including its use in agricultural fertilizers, water treatment, and sulfur burning. In addition, sulfur plays a pivotal role in diverse industries such as paper manufacturing, sugar and food processing, asphalt production, and mining.


“We at Cherry Hill Farms have used sulfur burners for the past 20 years. We switched to the Sweetwater sulfur burner three years ago and we have found it to be much easier to manage. The Sweetwater 10 series has been a very good replacement for the older sulfur burners we were operating. One nice feature of the Sweetwater sulfur burners is that no electricity is required to operate and manage it if you have enough gravity pressure.”
Curtis Rowley
Cherry Hill Farms

“I have been irrigating for over 40 years using water with an average pH of 7.6. Consistent irrigation caused bicarbonates and salts to build up in the soil. Our cotton fields turned a bluish-gray color and yields were declining. In 2004, after start-up of the Sweetwater sulfur burning acid generator in mid-season, the cotton started to turn greener and healthier again and yields easily doubled after two or three years.”
Hubert Frerich
Cotton Farmer

“The Sweetwater Sulfur burners have made a big change at our Capstone ranch in Mattawa.
The irrigation water that comes from the Columbia River in Washington State has high PH and bicarbonate levels. By using the Burners, I have successfully been able to bring those down to manageable thresholds.
Thanks to Tyson and the Sweetwater folks, OUR WATER IS WHERE WE NEED IT!!!”
Brent Huck
Capstone Ranch